Current PositionsDistinguished University Professor, Department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour, McMaster University Chair, Research Ethics Board, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Toronto President, Arts and Letters Club of Toronto Professor (Status-Only), Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto Senior Fellow, Massey College, University of Toronto Awards and HonoursOfficer, Order of Canada, 2024. Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2019 Doctor of Science honoris causa, McMaster University, 2017 Donald O. Hebb Distinguished Contribution Award, Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science, 2015 Distinguished University Professor, McMaster University, 2011 Fellow, Association for Psychological Science, 2009 Fellow, Royal Society of Canada, 2007 Award for Outstanding Service, McMaster University Faculty Association, 2006 Leading Investigator by the Centre of Excellence for Early Child Development, 2003 Publications
Committee (of the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine) on Focus on Myopia: Pathogenesis and Rising Incidence. Myopia: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of an Increasingly Common Disease. Washington: National Academies Press, 2024. doi:10.17226/27734 Maurer, C., & Maurer, D. Pretty Ugly: Why we like some songs, faces, foods, plays, pictures, poems, etc., and dislike others. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019. Maurer, D., & Maurer, C. The World of the Newborn . New York: Basic Books, 1988; London: Viking, 1989; Penguin, 1990; Franco Muzzio, 1991 (Italian translation); Soshiba, 1992 (Japanese translation); Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1994 (Polish translation); Hanwoolim, 1994 (Korean translation); Commonwealth Publishing, 1998 (Chinese translation). Won the book award of the American Psychological Association. Maurer, D., & Maurer C. The origins and development of aesthetics. Philosophical Transactions B of the Royal Society, 399:20230246. doi:10.1098/rstb.2023.0246 Stanley, B.M., Chen, Y-C, Maurer, D., Lewis, T.L., Shore, D.I. Developmental changes in audiotactile event perception. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 2023;230;105629. Asare, A.O., Maurer, D., Wong, A.M.F., Saunders, N., & Ungar, W.J. Cost-effectiveness of Universal School- and Community-Based Vision Testing Strategies to Detect Amblyopia in Children in Ontario, Canada. JAMA Network Open. 2023;6(1):e2249384. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.49384 Aslin, R.N., Fox, N.A., Lewkowicz, D.J., Maurer, D., Nelson, C.A., & von Hofsten, C. Multiple pathways to developmental continuity in infant cognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2023;27(8)692-693. Matthews, C., Maurer, D., & Mondloch, C. Recognizing facial identity: Prolonged development during infancy and childhood. In K. Cohen Kadosh (Ed.), Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2022. Oxford University Press. doi:https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198827474.013.7 Mitchell, D., & Maurer, D. Critical periods in vision revisited. Annual Review of Vision Science, 2022;8, 291-321. Han, S., Chen, Y., Maurer, D., Shore, D.I., Stanley, B.M., & Alais, D.. The development of audio-visual temporal precision precedes its rapid recalibration Scientific Reports, 2022. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-25392-y Asare, A., Wong, A., Maurer, D., Kulandaivelu, Y., Saunders, N., & Ungar, W.J. Economic evaluations of vision screening to detect amblyopia and refractive errors in children: a systematic review. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2021. doi: 0.17269/s41997-021-00572-x. Feng, Y., Collignon, O., Maurer, D., Yao, K., & Gao, X. Brief Postnatal Visual Deprivation Triggers Long-Lasting Interactive Structural and Functional Reorganization of the Human Cortex. Front Med (Lausanne),, 2021, 8, 752021. doi:10.3389/fmed.2021.752021 Asare, A.O., Maurer, D., Wong, A.M.F., Ungar, W. J., & Saunders, N. Socioeconomic Status and Vision Care Services in Ontario, Canada: A Population-Based Cohort Study. The Journal of Pediatrics, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2021.10.020. Maurer, D., Visual development. In J. Lockman & C. Tamis-Lemonda (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Infant Development, 2020, 157-185. Nishimura, M., Wong, A., Dimaris, H., & Maurer, D. Feasibility of a school-based vision screening program to detect undiagnosed visual problems in kindergarten children in Ontario. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2020, 192(29), E822-E831. CMAJ 2020 July 20;192:E822-31. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.191085 Maurer, D., Ghloum, J.K., Gibson, L.C., Watson, M.R., Chen, L.M., Akins, K., Enns, J.T., Hensch, T.K., & Werker, J.F. Reduced perceptual narrowing in synesthesia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1914668117. Mathewson, K.J., Maurer, D., Mondloch, C.J., Saigal, S., Van Lieshout, R.J., & Schmidt, L.A. Visual configural processing in adults born at extremely low birth weight. Developmental Science, 2019, e12890. doi: 10.1111/desc.12890. Nishimura, M., Wong, A., Cohen, A., Thorpe, K.E. & Maurer, D. Choosing appropriate tools and referral criteria for visual screening of 4- and 5-year-old children in Canada: a quantitative analysis. British Medical Journal Open, 2019;9 :e032138. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2019-032138. Asare, A.O., Wong, A., Maurer, D., & Nishimura, M. Access to vision services by vulnerable populations in Canada: A scoping review. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 2019, 30, 6-27. Stanley, B., Chen, Y-C., Lewis, T.L., Maurer, D., & Shore, D. Developmental changes in the perception of audiotactile simultaneity. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2019, 183, 208-221. Chen, Y.C., Lewis, T.L., Shore, D.L., Spence, C., & Maurer, D. Developmental changes in the perception of visuotactile simultaneity. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2018, 173, 304-317. Robbins, R., Lewis, T.L., & Maurer, D. The relationship between discrimination and memory for spacing and feature changes in houses. Journal of General Psychology, 2018, 145(2), 153-169. Maurer, D., & McKee, S. Classification and diversity of amblyopia. Visual Neuroscience, 2018, 35, E12.doi:10,1017/S0952523817000190. Gao, X., Lahat, A., Maurer, D., Savoy, C., Van Lieshout, R.J., Boyle, M.H., Saigal, S., & Schmidt, L. Sensitivity to facial expressions among extremely low birth weight survivors in their 30s. Developmental Psychobiology, 2017,59(8), 1051-1057. Chen, Y.C., Lewis, T.L., Shore, D.I., & Maurer, D. Early binocular input is critical for the development of audiovisual but not visuotactile simultaneity perception. Current Biology, 2017, 27(4): 583-589. Segalowitz, S., Sternin, A., Lewis, T., Dywan, J., & Maurer, D. Electrophysiological evidence of altered visual processing in adults who experienced visual deprivation during infancy. Developmental Psychobiology, 2017, 59(3): 375-389. Maurer, D. Critical periods re-examined: Evidence from children treated for dense cataracts. Cognitive Development, 2017, 42, 27-36. Chen, Y.C., Maurer, D., Lewis, T.L., Spence, C., & Shore, D.I. Central-peripheral differences in audiovisual and visuotactile event perception. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2017, 79(8),2552-2563. Maurer, D. & Lewis, T.L. Visual Systems. In R. Gibb & B. Kolb (Eds.), The Neurobiology of Brain and Behavioral Development London: Academic Press, 2017. 213-233. de Heering, A., Dormal, G., Pellard, M., Lewis, T., Maurer, D., & Collignon, O. A brief period of postnatal visual deprivation alters the balance between auditory and visual attention Current Biology, 2016, 26, 3101-3105. Rhodes, G., Nishimura, M., de Heering, A., Jeffery, L., & Maurer, D. Reduced adaptability, but no fundamental disruption, of norm-based face coding following early visual deprivation from congenital cataracts. Developmental Science , 2016, May;20(3). Hadad, B.S., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T.L. The role of early visual input in the development of contour interpolation: the case of subjective contours. Developmental Science 2017, 20(3). Maurer, D. How the baby learns to see. Donald O. Hebb lecture, Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, & Cognitive Science, Ottawa, June 2015. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2016, 70, 195-200. Vingilis-Jaremko, L., Maurer, D., Rhodes, G., & Jeffery, L. The influence of averageness on adults' perception of attractiveness: The effect of early visual deprivation. Perception, 2016, 45, 1399-1411. Gibson, L.C., & Maurer, D. Development of SNARC and distance effects and their relation to mathematical and visuospatial abilities. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2016, 150, 301-313. Chen, Y.C., Shore, D.I., Lewis, T.L., & Maurer, D. The development of the perception of audiovisual simultaneity. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2016, 146, 17-33. Hadad, B., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T. Developmental trends in interpolation and its spatial constraints: A comparison of subjective and occluded contours. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2015, 77(4):1307-20. doi: 10.3758/s13414-015-0840-6. Vida, M., & Maurer, D. A comparison of spatial frequency turning for judgments of eye gaze and facial identity. Vision Research, 2015, 112:45-54. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2015.04.018. Epub 2015 May 14. Gao, X., Maurer, D, Y Wilson, H. The PCA learning effect: an emerging correlate of face memory during childhood. Cognition, 2015, 143:101-7. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2015.06.011. Epub 2015 Jun 28. Collignon, O., Dormal,G., de Heering, A., Lepore, F., Lewis, T.L., & Maurer, D. Long-lasting crossmodal cortical reorganization triggered by brief postnatal visual deprivation. Current Biology, 2015, 18:2379-83. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2015.07.036. Epub 2015 Aug 20. Hadad, B., Schwartz, S., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T.L. Motion perception: a review of developmental changes and the role of early visual experience. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 2015, 9:49. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2015.00049. eCollection 2015. Review. Maurer, D. What atypical adults can teach us about development. Infancy, 2015, 20, 587-600. Walsh, J. A., Maurer, D., Vida, M. D., Rhodes, G., Jeffrey, L. & Rutherford, M.D. Norm-based coding of facial identity in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Vision Research, 2015, 108, 33-40. de Heering, A., Bracovic, A., & Maurer, D. Starting school improves preschoolers' ability to discriminate child faces. Ecological Psychology, 2014, 26, 16-29. 10.1080/10407413.2014.874866. [special issue in honour of Herbert Pick] Grady, C., Mondloch, C.J., Lewis, T.L., & Maurer, D. Early visual deprivation from congenital cataracts disrupts activity and functional connectivity in the face network. Neuropsychologia, 2014, 57, 122-139. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.03.005. Vida, M. D., Wilson, H. R., & Maurer, D. Bandwidths for the perception of head orientation decrease during childhood. Vision Research, 2014, 98, 72-82. de Heering, A., & Maurer, D. Face memory deficits in patients deprived of visual input by bilateral congenital cataracts. Developmental Psychobiology, 2014, 56, 96-108. Maurer, D., & Werker, J. Perceptual narrowing during infancy: A comparison of language and faces. Developmental Psychobiology, 2014, 56, 154-178. Vingilis-Jaremko, L., Maurer, D., & Gao, X. The influence of averageness on attractiveness judgments: No own-age or own-sex advantage among children attending single-sex schools. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2014, 120, 1-16. Maurer, D., & Lewis, T.L. Sensitive Periods in Visual Development. In P. Zelazo, (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology, Vol. 1, Oxford University Press, 2014. 202-236. Jeon, S.T., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T.L. Developmental mechanisms underlying improved contrast thresholds for discriminations of orientation signals embedded in noise. Frontiers in Psychology, 2014, 5, 977. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00977. Maurer, D., & Lewis, T.L. Human visual plasticity: Lessons from children treated for congenital cataracts. In J.K.E. Stevens, & L.R. Harris (Eds), Plasticity in Sensory Systems, Cambridge University Press, 2013. 75-93. Gao, X., Maurer, D., & Nishimura, M. Altered Representation of Facial Expressions after Early Visual Deprivation. Frontiers in Psychology, 2013, 4, 878. Vida, M., Maurer, D., Calder, A.,Rhodes, G., Walsh, J., Pachai, M., & Rutherford, M. The influences of face inversion and facial expression on sensitivity to eye contact in high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2013, 43, 2536-2548. Vingilis-Jaremko, L., & Maurer, D. The influence of symmetry on children's judgments of facial attractiveness. Perception, 2013, 42, 302-320. Spector, F. & Maurer, D. Early sound symbolism for vowel sounds. i-Perception, 2013, 4, 329-241. Vida, M., & Maurer, D. I see what you're saying: voice signals influence children's judgements of eye gaze. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2013, 116, 609-624. Gao, X., Chiesa, J., Maurer, D., & Schmidt. L. A new approach to measuring individual differences in sensitivity to facial expressions: Influence of temperamental shyness and sociability. Frontiers in Personality Science and Individual Differences, 2013, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00026. Maurer, D., Gibson, L., & Spector, F. Synesthesia in infancy and very young children. In J. Simner & E. Hubbard (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Syaesthesia, Oxford University Press, 2013. Vingilis-Jaremko, L., & Maurer, D. The influence of averageness on children's judgments of facial attractiveness. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2013, 115, 624-639. de Heering, A., & Maurer, D. The effect of spatial frequency on perceptual learning of inverted faces. Vision Research, 2013, 86, 107-114. Mondloch, C.J., Segalowitz, S.J., Lewis, T.L., Dywan, J., Le Grand, R., & Maurer, D The effect of early visual deprivation on the development of face detection. Developmental Science, 2013, 16, 728-742. Mondloch, C.J., Lewis, T.L., Levin, A.V., & Maurer, D. Infant face preferences after binocular visual deprivation. International Journal of Behavioural Development, 2013, 37, 148-153. de Heering, A., Wallis, J., & Maurer, D. The composite face effect resists abnormal face detection. Perception, 2012, 41, 707-716. Spector, F., & Maurer, D. Making sense of scents: The colour and texture of odors. Seeing & Perceiving, 2012, 25, 655-677. Jeon, S.T., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T.L. The Effect of Video Game Training on the Vision of Adults with Bilateral Deprivation Amblyopia. Seeing and Perceiving, 2012, 25, 493-520. Vida, M., & Maurer, D. The development of fine-grained sensitivity to eye contact after 6 years of age. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2012, 112, 243-256. Hadad, B., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T.L. Sparing of sensitivity to biological motion but not of global motion after early visual deprivation. Developmental Science, 2012, 15, 474-481. Maurer, D. & Hensch, T. Amblyopia: Background to the special issue on recent advances in stroke recovery: Implications for understanding developmental changes in brain plasticity and possible treatments for amblyopia. Developmental Psychobiology, 2012, 54, 224-238. Maurer, D., Gibson, L., & Spector, F. Infant synaesthesia: New insights into the development of multisensory perception In A. Bremner, D. Lewkowisz, & C. Spence (Eds.), Multisensory Development, Oxford University Press. 2012, 229-250. Robbins, R., Maurer, D., Hatry, A., Anzures, G., & Mondloch, C.J. Developmental Science, 2012, 15, 194-203. Effects of normal visual experience on the development of opposing aftereffects for upright and inverted faces. Developmental Science, 2012, 15, 194-203. Vida, M. & Maurer, D. Gradual improvement in fine-grained sensitivity to triadic gaze after 6 years of age. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2012, 11, 299-318. de Heering, A., Rossion, B., & Maurer, D. Developmental changes in face recognition during childhood: Evidence from upright and inverted faces. Cognitive Development, 2012, 27, 17-27. Maurer, D. Preface to special issue on Recent Advances in Stroke Recovery, Developmental Psychobiology, 2012, 54, 223. de Heering, A., & Maurer, D. Face memory deficits in patients deprived of visual input by bilateral congenital cataracts. Developmental Psychobiology, 2012, 56, 1, 96-108. Hadad, B., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T.L. Long trajectory for the development of sensitivity to global and biological motion. Developmental Science, 2011, 14, 1330-1339. Armstrong, V., Maurer, D., Ellemberg, D., & Lewis, T.L. Sensitivity to first- and second-order drifting gratings in 3-month-old infants. i-Perception, 2011, 2, 440-457. Maurer, D., & Mondloch, C. Sensitive periods in face perception. In A. Calder, G. Rhodes, J. Haxby, & M. Johnson (Ed.), Handbook of Face Perception. Oxford University Press, 2011, 779-797. Nishimura, M., Robertson, C., & Maurer, D. Effect of adaptor duration on 8-year-olds' facial identity aftereffects suggests adult-like plasticity of the face norm. Vision Research, 2011, 51, 1216-1222. Gao, X., & Maurer, D.. A comparison of spatial frequency tuning for the recognition of facial identity and facial expressions in adults and children. Vision Research, 2011, 51, 508-519. Robbins, R.A., Shergill, Y., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T. L. Development of sensitivity to spacing versus feature changes in pictures of houses: Evidence for slow development of a general speccing detection mechanism? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2011, 109, 371-382. Spector, F., & Maurer, D. The colours of the alphabet: Naturally-biased associations between shape and colour. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2011, 17, 484-495. Robbins, R.A., Nishimura, M., Mondloch, C.J., Lewis, T.L. & Maurer, D. Deficits in sensitivity to spacing after early visual deprivation in humans: A comparison of human faces, monkey faces, and houses. Developmental Psychobiology, 2010, 52, 775-781. Ellemberg, D., Lewis, T.L., Maurer, D., Lee, B., Ledgeway, T., Guilemot, J.-P., & Lepore, F. The effect of displacement on sensitivity to first- and second-order global motion in 5-year-olds and adults. Seeing & Perceiving, 2010, 23, 517-532. Patel, A., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T.L. The development of spatial frequency discrimination. Journal of Vision, 2010, 10, 1-10. Mondloch, C.J., Elms, N., Maurer, D., Rhodes, G., Hayward, W., Tanaka, J., & Zhou, G. Processes underlying the cross-race effect: Holistic, featural, and relational processing of own- and other-race faces. Perception, 2010, 39, 1065-1085. Jeon, S.T., Hamid, J., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T.L. Developmental changes during childhood in single letter acuity and its crowding by surrounding contours. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2010, 107, 423-437. Hadad, B., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T.L. The development of contour interpolation: Evidence from subjective contours. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2010, 106, 163-176. Gao, X. & Maurer, D. A happy story: Developmental changes in children's sensitivity to facial expressions of varying intensity. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2010, 107, 67-86. Mondloch, C.J., Le Grand, R., & Maurer, D. Development of expertise in face recognition. In I.Gauthier, M. J.Tarr, & Daniel Bub (Eds.), Perceptual Expertise/Bridging Brain and Behavior, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, 67-106. Hadad, B., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T.L. The effects of spatial proximity and collinearity on contour integration in adults and children. Vision Research, 2010, 50, 772-778. Gao, X., Maurer, D., & Nishimura, M. Similarities and differences in the perceptual structure of facial expressions in children and adults. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2010, 105, 98-115. Spector, F., & Maurer, D. Cross-modal transfer. In B. Goldstein (Ed.), Sage Encylopedia of Perception, 2010, 337-338. Mondloch, C., Robbins, R., & Maurer, D. Discrimination of facial features by adults, 10-year-olds and cataract-reversal patients. Perception, 2010, 39, 184-194. Werker, J., Maurer, D., & Yoshida, K. Perceptual attunement and acculturation. In M. Bornstein (Ed.)., Handbook of Cross-Cultural Developmental Science. New York: Psychology Press: 2010. 89-125. Armstrong, V., Lewis, T.L., & Maurer, D. Sensitivity to first- and second-order motion and form in children and adults. Vision Research, 2009, 49, 2774-2781. Lewis, T.L. & Maurer, D. Effects of early pattern deprivation on visual development. Optometry and Vision Science, 2009, 86, 640-646. Taylor, N.M., Jakobson, L.S., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T.L. Differential vulnerability of global motion, global form, and biological motion processing in full-term and preterm children. Neuropsychologia, 2009, 47, 2766-2778. Rhodes, G., Ewing, L, Hayward, W., Maurer, D., Mondloch, J., & Tanaka, J. Contact and other-race effects in configural and component processing of faces. British Journal of Psychology, 2009, 100, 717-728. Nishimura, M., Maurer, D., & Gao, X. Exploring children's face-space: A multidimenstional scaling analysis of the mental representation of facial identity . Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2009, 103, 355-375 Gao, X., & Maurer, D. Influence of intensity on children's sensitivity to ha, sad, and fearful facial expressions . Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, (2009); doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2008.11.002 Spector, F., & Maurer, D. Synesthesia: A new aoach to understanding the development of perception . Developmental Psychology, 2009, 45, 175-189. Cooper, P., & Maurer, D. The influence of recent experience on perceptions of attractiveness . Perception, 2008, 37, 1216-1226. Mondloch, C., & Maurer, D. The effect of face orientation on holistic processing . Perception, 2008, 37, 1175-1186. Spector, F., & Maurer, D The color of Os: Naturally-biased associations between shape and color. Perception, 2008, 37, 841-847. Nishimura, M., Rutherford, M.D., & Maurer, D. Converging evidence of configural processing of faces in high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorders. Visual Cognition, 2008, 7, 859-891. Nishimura, M., Maurer, D., Jeffrey, L., Pellicano, E., & Rhodes, G. Fitting the child's mind to the world: Adaptive norm-based coding of facial identity in 8-year-olds. Developmental Science, 2008, 11, 620-627. Maurer, D., Lewis, T.L., & Mondloch, C. Plasticity of the Visual System. In C. A. Nelson & M. Luciana (Eds.), Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, (2nd edition). Boston: 2008. 415-437. Nishimura, M., & Maurer, D. The effect of categorization on sensitivity to second-order relations in novel objects. Perception, 2008, 7, 584-601. Maurer, D., Mondloch, C.J., & Lewis, T.L. Effects of early visual deprivation on perceptual and cognitive development. In C. von Hofsten & K. Rosander (Eds.), Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 164, Elsevier: 2007. 87-104. Mondloch, C., Pathman, T., Maurer, D., Le Grand, R., & de Schonen, S. The composite face effect in six-year-old children: Evidence of adult-like holistic face processing. Visual Cognition, 2007, 15, 564-577. Lewis, T.L., Kingdom, A., Ellemberg, D., & Maurer, D. Orientation discrimination in 5-year-olds and adults tested with luminance-modulated and contrast-modulated gratings . Journal of Vision, 2007, 7, 1-11. Maurer, D., O'Craven, K., Le Grand, R., Mondloch, C., Springer, M., Lewis, T., & Grady, C. Neural correlates of processing facial identity based on features versus their spacing. Neuropsychologia, 2007, 45, 1438-1451. Maurer, D., Mondloch, C.J., & Lewis, T.L. Sleeper effects. Developmental Science, 2007, 10, 40-47. Maurer, D., & Mondloch, C. The infant as synaesthete? In M. Johnson & Y. Munakata (Eds.), Attention & Performance XX1: Process of Change in Brain and Cognitive Development, Oxford: 2006. 449-471. Mondloch, C.J., Maurer, D., & Ahola, S. Becoming a face expert. Psychological Science, 2006, 17, 930-934. Maurer, D., Ellemberg, D., & Lewis, T.L. Repeated measures of contrast sensitivity reveal limits to visual plasticity after early binocular deprivation in humans. Neuropsychologia, 2006, 44, 2104-2112. Le Grand, R., Cooper, P.A., Mondloch, C.J., Lewis, T.L., Sagiv, N., de Gelder, B., & Maurer, D. What aspects of face processing are imparied in developmental prosopagnosia? Brain and Cognition, 2006, 61, 139-158. Cooper, P.A., Geldart, S.S., Mondloch, C.J., & Maurer, D. Developmental changes in perceptions of attractiveness: A role for experience? Developmental Science, 2006, 9, 530-543. Freire, A., Lewis, T.L., Maurer, D., & Blake, R. The development of sensitivity to biological motion in noise. Perception, 2006, 35, 647-657. Maurer, D., Pathman, T., & Mondloch, C.J. The shape of boubas: Sound-shape correspondences in toddlers and adults. Developmental Science, 2006, 9, 316-322. Mondloch, C.J., Leis, A., & Maurer, D. Recognizing the face of Johnny, Suzy, and Me: Insensitivity to the spacing among features at four years of age. Child Development, 2006, 77, 234-243. Ellemberg, D., Lewis, T.L., Defina, N., Maurer, D., Brent, H.P., Guillemot, J-P., & Lepore, F. Greater losses in sensitivity to second-order local motion than to first-order local motion after early visual deprivation in human. Vision Research, 2005, 45, 2877-2884. MacKay, T. L., Jakobson, L.S., Ellemberg, D., Lewis, T.L., Maurer, D., & Casiro. Deficits in the processing of local and global motion in very low birthweight children. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 2005, 43, 1738-1748. Ahmed, I., Lewis, T.L., Ellemberg, D., & Maurer, D. Discrimination of speed in 5-year-olds and adults: Are children up to speed? Vision Research, 2005, 45, 2129-2135. Maurer, D., Lewis, T.L. & Mondloch, C. Missing sight: Consequences for visual cognitive development. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2005, 9, 144-151. Lewis, T.L., & Maurer, D. Multiple sensitive periods in human visual development: Evidence from visually deprived children. Developmental Psychobiology, 2005, 46, 163-183. Maurer, D. Introduction to the special issue on critical periods re-examined: Evidence from human sensory development. Developmental Psychobiology, 2005, 46, 155. Mondloch, C., & Maurer, D. Do small white balls squeak? Pitch-object correspondences in young children. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 2004, 4, 133-136. Mondloch, C.J., Dobson, K.S., Parson, J., & Maurer, D. Why 8-year-olds can't tell the difference between Steve Martin and Paul Newman: Factors contributing to the slow development of sensitivity to the spacing of facial features. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2004, 89, 159-181. Ellemberg, D., Lewis, T.L., Dirks, M., Maurer, D., Ledgway, T., Guillemot, J.-P., & Lepore, F. Putting order into the development of sensitivity to global motion. Vision Research, 2004, 44, 2403-2411. Maurer, D., & Mondloch, C. Neonatal synesthesia: A re-evaluation. In L. Robertson & N. Sagiv (Eds.), Attention on Synesthesia: Cognition, Development and Neuroscience, Oxford University Press, 2004. 193-213. Le Grand, R., Mondloch, C., Maurer, D., & Brent, H. Impairment in holistic face processing following early visual deprivation. Psychological Science, 2004, 15, 762-768. Lewis, T., Ellemberg, D., Maurer, D., Dirks, M., Wilkinson, F., & Wilson, H. A window on the normal development of sensitivity to global form in Glass patterns. Perception, 2004, 33, 409-418. Mondloch, C., Le Grand, R., & Maurer, D. Early visual experience is necessary for the development of some—but not all—aspects of face processing. In O. Pascalis & A. Slater (Eds.), The Development of Face Processing in Infancy and Early Childhood: Current Perspectives. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2003. 99-117. Ellemberg, D., Lewis, T.L., Meghji, K.S., Maurer, D., Guillemot, J.-P., & Lepore, F. Comparison of sensitivity to first- and second-order local motion in 5-year-olds and adults. 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